
What is Text Classification?

Text categorization algorithms are at the core of many software systems that analyze large amounts of text data. Text categorization is used by email software to assess whether incoming mail should be delivered to the inbox or filtered into the spam bin. Text categorization is used in discussion forums to determine whether or not remarks should be labeled as improper.

Topic classification is classifying written content into one of a set of predetermined themes. In many subject classification issues, the categorization relies on text terms.


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Types used for Text classification

Text classification is used in various sectors, including social media, marketing, customer experience management, digital media, and so on. Some of them will be explained with examples in the following sections using unsupervised and supervised approaches. 

Unsupervised Learning:

The unsupervised method of text categorization groups texts together based on comparable patterns and structures. It is helpful when the data volume is too enormous to be categorized entirely, the classification is done in real-time, or the labels are not present. 

Use Case 1: CRM Automation - Improving customer complaint response times. Any product-based organization must respond rapidly to client concerns to provide adequate customer service. Reading every client complaint/feedback, on the other hand, can be time-consuming and error-prone. The complaints may be sorted into primary subjects, such as technical issues, subscription-related queries, and so on, using unsupervised learning algorithms, and then allocated to appropriate teams to work on. Once the complaints have been tagged, the customer care and product teams may separate the emails and follow up according to the tags. They may also send out automated emails and replies to frequently asked questions, easing the burden on customer service representatives. 

Use Case 2: Topic Modeling for Search Engine Optimization. Topic Clusters have been employed to significant effect by most of today's most popular websites. Subject Clusters are collections of material that are organized by topic and subtopic. With this knowledge, content marketers may more easily generate, maintain, and enhance their material, improving their page's Google rating. 

Supervised Learning:

The supervised text categorization method uses pre-classified/tagged text to train models. This method outperforms unsupervised learning approaches in terms of accuracy and scalability. 

Use Case 1: Using social media posts to gain insight into a new product. Organizations today have a significant social media presence, which goes without saying. It is a tool that allows businesses to advertise their brand/product, identify/target new consumers, and obtain public feedback on the brand, its products, services, and rivals. Sentiment Analysis may help determine whether the new product's societal impression and its characteristics are good, harmful, or neutral.

Spam Out is the second use case. A Spam folder exists in every email account. Gmail is one of the most famous examples of spam categorization. In February 2019, Google used an AI-based technology called Tensorflow to detect spam. Compared to the first rule-based technique, it was able to identify and isolate an additional 100 million spam every day.

How Does Text classification Work?

Text categorization can be done by hand or automatically/technically.

A human annotator interprets the content and presents it in an organized format using manual text classification. It may provide a decent result, but it will be a time-consuming and costly procedure.

Natural language processing, machine learning, and other AI-guided approaches are used in automatic text classification. It automatically categorizes texts more efficiently and cost-effectively. It also ensures a better level of precision.

How to get a job as a Text Classifier?

Several websites provide free registrations and good prospects to work and make money from home via text classification jobs. Some resources to assist you in improving your abilities as a text classifier and getting on the clients' priority list:

  • Text Cleaning: It helps you reduce the amount of noise in textual data, such as punctuation, stopwords, and suffix variants.
  • Text/NLP characteristics stacked with vectors: It assists in the production of various feature vectors and their combination to improve the classifier's reliability and accuracy.
  • Tuning in hyperparameter model: Network parameters, leaves, Tree lengths, and other hyperparameters in modeling must be tweaked appropriately to provide the best-fit model.
  • Model ensembling: Ensemble models assist enhance outcomes by stacking several models and combining their outputs.

Benefits of Text Classification

Unstructured data accounts for over 80% of all data, with text being one of the most frequent categories. Because analyzing, comprehending, organizing, and sifting through text data is difficult and time-consuming due to its chaotic nature, most businesses do not exploit it to its full potential. The following are some advantages of text classification:

  • Scalability: Text categorization software may be scaled to meet the demands of any organization, big or small. Manually evaluating and arranging data is time-consuming and inaccurate. Machine learning can determine millions of surveys, comments, emails, and other documents for a fraction of the cost and in as little as a few minutes.
  • Real-time analysis: Companies must recognize and respond to critical events as quickly as feasible (e.g., PR crises on social media). Machine learning text categorization helps keep track of your brand mentions in real-time, allowing you to see important information and respond quickly.
  • Consistent criteria: Due to distractions, exhaustion, and boredom, human annotators make mistakes while categorizing text data, and human subjectivity provides inconsistent standards. Once correctly trained, a text categorization model works with unrivaled precision.

What is the average pay for a Text Classifier?

Pay varies depending on the job. You'll get compensated based on how many jobs you complete. If you're given complex work, you'll get paid more than if you're given a simple task. Text categorization allows you to work on as many tasks as you choose; there is no minimum or maximum amount of jobs you may complete. The average that a text classifier is $18-$28.

Eligibility & Requirement To Apply for The Job

  • Academic credentials: You need to have a degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Computational Linguistics, or another related subject.
  • Experience: It depends on the job position and the client's requirements, such as the number of years of experience they require. However, your abilities would be appreciated more than your years of expertise when working through a website.
  • Understanding: You should be familiar with text representation techniques, semantic extraction techniques, data structures, and modeling. Additionally, skills in languages such as Python, Java, R, and C and knowledge of numerous databases, libraries, and algorithms are required.

Language and communication competency

You should be proficient in English. Strong communication skills aid in the easy and accurate completion of complicated taxes. The key to success in the field is making fewer mistakes and adhering to precision.  


To begin, practice with more specific activities to develop abilities and expertise. You can start learning and working on text classification if you are interested. Several websites are eager to provide you with a platform to communicate with the masses. Here you will meet possible clients and rivals who will encourage you and help you improve your talents. You may also be sure that your hard work is rewarded with a defined pay scale with a sizable minimum payout amount.

Analyzing several messages in seconds and receiving precise information about them is appealing. Receiving recognition and appreciation for your efforts makes the process more enjoyable.

Article by Catherine